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Normal Risk Client: This indicates that 2 or more Primary Checks have been made on the individual at that address, and the client has therefore met the minimum guidelines as laid down by the JMLSG
Refer: This indicates that less than 2 Primary Checks have been made on the individual at that address and further proof of identity should be sought.
Refer: This indicates that less than 3 Primary Checks have been made onthe individual at that address and further proof of identity should besought.
Public companies: Where your customer is a corporate/public body (large housebuilders, banks, LLP’s, some charities) a beneficial owner is any
individual who:
owns or controls over 25% of the shares or voting rights
ultimately owns or controls whether directly or indirectly including bearer shares holdings or other means, more than
25% share or voting rights in the business
exercises ultimate control over the management
controls the corporate body.